Notes for "Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes"

November 22, 2017 | Kubernetes Docker

My notes for the course “Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes” on Udacity.


Introduction to Microservices

Activate Google Cloud Shell.

List available time zones:

gcloud compute zones list

Set a time zone:

gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-b


echo "export GOPATH=~/go" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Get the code:

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd ud615/app

On shell 1 - build the monolith app:

cd $GOPATH/src/
mkdir bin
go build -o ./bin/monolith ./monolith

On shell 1 - run the monolith server:

$ sudo ./bin/monolith -http :10080
2017/11/22 11:40:51 Starting server...
2017/11/22 11:40:51 Health service listening on
2017/11/22 11:40:51 HTTP service listening on :10080

On shell 2 - test the app on shell 2:

$ curl

$ curl
authorization failed

On shell 2 - authenticate (password is password):

curl -u user

It prints out the token. You can copy and paste the long token in to the next command manually, but copying long, wrapped lines in cloud shell is broken. To work around this, you can either copy the JWT token in pieces, or, more easily, by assigning the token to a shell variable as follows.

On shell 2 - login and assign the value of the JWT to a variable

TOKEN=$(curl -u user | jq -r '.token')
echo $TOKEN

On shell 2 - access the secure endpoint using the JWT:

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

On shell 2 - check out dependencies

ls vendor
cat vendor/vendor.json

On shell 1 - build and run the hello service

go build -o ./bin/hello ./hello
sudo ./bin/hello -http -health

On shell 2 - build and run the auth service

go build -o ./bin/auth ./auth
sudo ./bin/auth -http :10090 -health :10091

On shell 3 - interact with the auth and hello microservices

TOKEN=$(curl -u user | jq -r '.token')
curl -H "Authorization:  Bearer $TOKEN"

Building the Containers with Docker

Cloud shell - set compute/zone (Note: Google Cloud shell is an ephemeral instance and will reset if you don’t use it for more than 30 minutes. That is why you might have to set some configuration values again)

gcloud compute zones list
gcloud config set compute/zone us-west1-c

Cloud shell - launch a new VM instance

$ gcloud compute instances create ubuntu --image-project ubuntu-os-cloud --image-family ubuntu-1604-lts
Created [].
ubuntu  us-west1-c  n1-standard-1       RUNNING

Cloud shell - log into the VM instance

gcloud compute ssh ubuntu

VM instance - update packages and install nginx

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
nginx -v

VM instance - start nginx

sudo systemctl start nginx

Check that it’s running

sudo systemctl status nginx

Install Docker

sudo apt-get install

Check Docker images

sudo docker images

Pull nginx image

sudo docker pull nginx:1.10.0
sudo docker images

Verify the versions match

sudo dpkg -l | grep nginx

Run the first instance

sudo docker run -d nginx:1.10.0

Check if it’s up

sudo docker ps

Run a different version of nginx

sudo docker run -d nginx:1.9.3

Run another version of nginx

sudo docker run -d nginx:1.10.0

Check how many instances are running

sudo docker ps
sudo ps aux | grep nginx

What’s with the container names? If you don’t specify a name, Docker gives a container a random name, such as “stoic_williams”, “sharp_bartik”, “awesome_murdock”, or “evil_hawking”. These are generated from a list of adjectives and names of famous scientists and hackers. The combination of the names and adjectives is random, except for one case. Want to see what the exception is? Check it out in the Docker source code!

List all running container processes

sudo docker ps

For use in shell scripts you might want to just get a list of container IDs (-a stands for all instances, not just running, and -q is for “quiet” - show just the numeric ID):

sudo docker ps -aq

Inspect the container. You can use either CONTAINER ID or NAMES field, for example for a sudo docker ps output like this:

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
f86cf066c304        nginx:1.10.0        "nginx -g 'daemon off"   8 minutes ago       Up 8 minutes        80/tcp, 443/tcp     sharp_bartik

You can use either of the following commands:

sudo docker inspect f86cf066c304


sudo docker inspect sharp_bartik

Connect to the nginx using the internal IP. Get the internal IP address either copying from the full inspect file or by assigning it to a shell variable:

CIP=$(sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $CN)
curl http://$CIP

You can also get all instance IDs and their corresponding IP addresses by doing this:

sudo docker inspect -f '{{.Name}} - {{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $(sudo docker ps -aq)

Stop an instance

sudo docker stop <cid>


sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)

Verify no more instances running

sudo docker ps

Remove the docker containers from the system

sudo docker rm <cid>


sudo docker rm $(sudo docker ps -aq)

On the VM Instance, build a static binary of the monolith app

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ go get -u
$ go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'

$ ldd monolith
       not a dynamic executable

Why did you have to build the binary with such an ugly command line? You have to explicitly make the binary static. This is really important in the Docker community right now because alpine has a different implementation of libc. So your go binary wouldn’t have had the lib it needed if it wasn’t static. You created a static binary so that your application could be self-contained.

Create a container for the app. Look at the Dockerfile

cat Dockerfile

Build the app container

sudo docker build -t monolith:1.0.0 .

List the monolith image

sudo docker images monolith:1.0.0

Run the monolith container and get it’s IP

sudo docker run -d monolith:1.0.0
sudo docker inspect <container name or cid>


CID=$(sudo docker run -d monolith:1.0.0)
CIP=$(sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' ${CID})

Test the container

curl <the container IP>


curl $CIP

Important note on security: If you are tired of typing “sudo” in front of all Docker commands, and confused why a lot of examples don’t have that, please read the following article about implications on security - Why we don’t let non-root users run Docker in CentOS, Fedora, or RHEL

Create docker images for the remaining microservices - auth and hello.

Build the auth app

cd $GOPATH/src/
cd auth
go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'
sudo docker build -t auth:1.0.0 .
CID2=$(sudo docker run -d auth:1.0.0)

Build the hello app

cd $GOPATH/src/
cd hello
go build --tags netgo --ldflags '-extldflags "-lm -lstdc++ -static"'
sudo docker build -t hello:1.0.0 .
CID3=$(sudo docker run -d hello:1.0.0)

See the running containers

sudo docker ps -a

Public Vs Private Registries (Comparing Four Hosted Docker Registries):

See all images

sudo docker images
Docker tag command help
docker tag -h

Add your own tag

sudo docker tag monolith:1.0.0 <your username>/monolith:1.0.0

For example (you can rename too!)

sudo docker tag monolith:1.0.0 udacity/example-monolith:1.0.0

Create account on Dockerhub. To be able to push images to Dockerhub you need to create an account there

Login and use the docker push command

sudo docker login
sudo docker push udacity/example-monolith:1.0.0

Repeat for all images you created - monolith, auth and hello!


Use project directory

cd $GOPATH/src/github/com/udacity/ud615/kubernetes

Note: At any time you can clean up by running the script

Provision a Kubernetes Cluster with GKE using gcloud (GKE is a hosted Kubernetes by Google; GKE clusters can be customized and supports different machine types, number of nodes, and network settings)

$ gcloud container clusters create k0 --zone=us-west1-c

$ gcloud compute instances list
gke-k0-default-pool-1f7bf2a3-3gjp  us-west1-c  n1-standard-1        RUNNING
gke-k0-default-pool-1f7bf2a3-3twg  us-west1-c  n1-standard-1       RUNNING
gke-k0-default-pool-1f7bf2a3-80gb  us-west1-c  n1-standard-1        RUNNING

Launch a single instance:

kubectl run nginx --image=nginx:1.10.0

Get pods

kubectl get pods

Expose nginx

kubectl expose deployment nginx --port 80 --type LoadBalancer

List services

$ kubectl get services
NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes   ClusterIP     <none>          443/TCP        8m
nginx        LoadBalancer   80:30244/TCP   1m

$ curl

Explore config file

cat pods/monolith.yaml

Create the monolith pod

kubectl create -f pods/monolith.yaml

Examine pods

kubectl get pods

It may take a few seconds before the monolith pod is up and running as the monolith container image needs to be pulled from the Docker Hub before we can run it.

Use the kubectl describe command to get more information about the monolith pod

kubectl describe pods monolith

On cloud shell 1 - set up port-forwarding

kubectl port-forward monolith 10080:80

On cloud shell 2


On cloud shell 2 - log in

curl -u user
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

On cloud shell 2 - view logs

kubectl logs monolith
kubectl logs -f monolith

On cloud shell 3


On cloud shell 2 - exit log watching (Ctrl-C)

You can use the kubectl exec command to run an interactive shell inside the monolith Pod. This can come in handy when you want to troubleshoot from within a container:

kubectl exec monolith --stdin --tty -c monolith /bin/sh

For example, once we have a shell into the monolith container we can test external connectivity using the ping command.

ping -c 3

When you’re done with the interactive shell be sure to logout.


Creating Secrets

ls tls

The cert.pem and key.pem files will be used to secure traffic on the monolith server and the ca.pem will be used by HTTP clients as the CA to trust. Since the certs being used by the monolith server where signed by the CA represented by ca.pem, HTTP clients that trust ca.pem will be able to validate the SSL connection to the monolith server.

Use kubectl to create the tls-certs secret from the TLS certificates stored under the tls directory:

kubectl create secret generic tls-certs --from-file=tls/

kubectl will create a key for each file in the tls directory under the tls-certs secret bucket. Use the kubectl describe command to verify that:

kubectl describe secrets tls-certs

Next we need to create a configmap entry for the proxy.conf nginx configuration file using the kubectl create configmap command:

kubectl create configmap nginx-proxy-conf --from-file=nginx/proxy.conf

Use the kubectl describe configmap command to get more details about the nginx-proxy-conf configmap entry:

kubectl describe configmap nginx-proxy-conf

Accessing A Secure HTTPS Endpoint

cat pods/secure-monolith.yaml

Create the secure-monolith Pod using kubectl:

kubectl create -f pods/secure-monolith.yaml
kubectl get pods secure-monolith

kubectl port-forward secure-monolith 10443:443

curl --cacert tls/ca.pem

kubectl logs -c nginx secure-monolith

Create a service:

cat services/monolith.yaml
kubectl create -f services/monolith.yaml

Set up firewall rules for the service port(s)

gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-monolith-nodeport --allow=tcp:31000

Get IP addresses of the nodes

gcloud compute instances list

curl -k

Not working yet!

Add labels to Pods:

kubectl get pods -l "app=monolith"
kubectl get pods -l "app=monolith,secure=enabled"
kubectl describe pods secure-monolith | grep Labels
kubectl label pods secure-monolith "secure=enabled"
kubectl describe pods secure-monolith | grep Labels
kubectl describe services monolith | grep Endpoints
curl -k

Now it works!

Deploying Microservices

Create deployments:

cat deployments/auth.yaml
kubectl create -f deployments/auth.yaml
kubectl describe deployments auth
kubectl create -f services/auth.yaml

kubectl create -f deployments/hello.yaml
kubectl create -f services/hello.yaml

kubectl create configmap nginx-frontend-conf --from-file=nginx/frontend.conf
kubectl create -f deployments/frontend.yaml
kubectl create -f services/frontend.yaml
kubectl get services frontend
curl -k

Scale deployments:

kubectl get replicasets
kubectl get pods -l "app=hello,track=stable"
vim deployments/hello.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployments/hello.yaml
kubectl get replicasets
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe deployment hello
kubectl get services

Rolling updates:

vim deployments/auth.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployments/auth.yaml
kubectl describe deployments auth
kubectl get pods

Finally, delete the Kubernetes cluster:

$ gcloud container clusters list
k0    us-west1-c  1.7.8-gke.0  n1-standard-1  1.7.8-gke.0   3          RUNNING

$ gcloud container clusters delete k0 --zone=us-west1-c