Running PADDI on the Stampede2 Supercomputer
October 30, 2017 | HPCIn this post, we describe how to compile and run Dr. Stephan Stellmach’s PADDI code on the Stampede2 supercomputer. Phase I of Stampede2 rollout features 4,200 Knights Landing (KNL) nodes, the second generation of processors based on Intel’s Many Integrated Core (MIC) architecture.
I copied the tarball for PADDI PADDI_10.1_dist.tgz
from Hyades to Stampede2. The tarball contains generic x86-64 libraries and executable that have been compiled with Intel MPI and Intel Compilers. Since KNL processors offer binary compatibility with Intel Xeon processors, legacy x86-64 binaries can run on KNL nodes without recompilation. However, those binaries won’t take advantage of KNL’s unique features (such as AVX 512), and therefore won’t run at optimal speed on KNL nodes. We’ll recompile PADDI for the KNL microarchitecture.
Unpack the tarball in the home directory on Stampede2:
$ tar xvfz PADDI_10.1_dist.tgz
Intel Compiler Flags
To build specifically for KNL microarchitecture using default Intel compilers, explicitly add the compiler flag -xMIC-AVX512
. Or you can use the flags -xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512
to build a fat binary that contains optimized code for both Broadwell microarchitecture (the login nodes) and KNL (the Phase I compute nodes). In this post, we’ll use -xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512
We note in passing that the default optimization level for Intel compilers is -O2
Let’s first clean the house:
- Delete all files in
- Delete all files in
- Delete all files except
According to the README
file, PADDI depends upon the following libraries:
- Parallel NetCDF
- a library called jutils (written by Joerg Schmalzl) used to save the data in compressed form
TACC provides optimized builds for FFTW3 & Parallel NetCDF on Stampede2 and we’ll simply use them. We’ll only need to recompile jutils.
Note that TACC uses LMOD to manage software on Stampede2. LMOD is similar to the module utility deployed on Hyades and NERSC supercomputers. You can list currently loaded modules with:
$ module list
Currently Loaded Modules:
1) intel/17.0.4 3) git/2.9.0 5) python/2.7.13 7) TACC
2) impi/17.0.3 4) autotools/1.1 6) xalt/1.7.7
To see what FFTW packages are available:
$ module avail fftw
-------------------- /opt/apps/intel17/impi17_0/modulefiles --------------------
fftw2/2.1.5 fftw3/3.3.6
fftw3 is what we need. To learn more about it:
$ module show fftw3
To load the fftw3 module (note we only need to load the module when we compile PADDI, we don’t need to load it when running PADDI):
$ module load fftw3
Parallel netCDF (PnetCDF)
To see what NetCDF packages are avaiable:
$ module avail netcdf
-------------------- /opt/apps/intel17/impi17_0/modulefiles --------------------
parallel-netcdf/ pnetcdf/1.8.1
------------------------ /opt/apps/intel17/modulefiles -------------------------
The choices can be confusing, so a brief explanation is in order:
- parallel-netcdf is parallel version of NetCDF4 based upon parallel hdf5; and it is not what we need
- pnetcdf is parallel netcdf (PnetCDF) that supports netcdf in the classic formats (CDF-1 and CDF-2); and it is what we need
- netcdf is the serial version of NetCDF4
To learn more about the pnetcdf module:
$ module show pnetcdf
To load the pnetcdf module (note we only need to load the module when we compile PADDI, we don’t need to load it when running PADDI):
$ module load pnetcdf
We’ll recompile jutils. Go the source directory:
$ cd stuff_needed/lib_src/jutils
Clean up the old build:
$ make clean
Modify Makefile
so that it will have the following contents (note that all we do is to simply add the -xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512
compiler flags):
FC = ifort
CFLAGS = -O2 -xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512 -Ijpeg12 -D_GNU_SOURCE -DUSE12B -I.
DEST = ${HOME}/bin
EXTHDRS = /usr/include/getopt.h \
/usr/include/sgidefs.h \
/usr/include/stdio.h \
/usr/include/stdlib.h \
HDRS = inout.h \
CC = icc
MAKEFILE = Makefile
OBJS = icback_.o \
icclose_.o \
icopen_.o \
icddopen_.o \
icread_.o \
icrinfo_.o \
icskip_.o \
icwinfo_.o \
icdwinfo_.o \
icddwinfo_.o \
icwrite_.o \
icdwrite_.o \
icddwrite_.o \
icend_.o \
iread.o \
jcback_.o \
jcclose_.o \
jcopen_.o \
jcread_.o \
jctype_.o \
jcrinfo_.o \
jcrinfo2_.o \
jcskip_.o \
jcwinfo_.o \
jcwinfo2_.o \
jcwrite_.o \
jcend_.o \
lread.o \
rread.o \
divisions.o \
# jcclass.o
PRINT = pr
PROGRAM = a.out
SRCS = icback_.c \
icclose_.c \
icopen_.c \
icddopen_.c \
icread_.c \
icrinfo_.c \
icskip_.c \
icwinfo_.c \
icdwinfo_.c \
icddwinfo_.c \
icwrite_.c \
icdwrite_.c \
icddwrite_.c \
icend_.c \
iread.f \
jcback_.c \
jcclose_.c \
jcopen_.c \
jcread_.c \
jctype_.c \
jcrinfo_.c \
jcrinfo2_.c \
jcskip_.c \
jcwinfo_.c \
jcwinfo2_.c \
jcwrite_.c \
jcend_.c \
lread.f \
rread.f \
divisions.c \
# jcclass.cpp
$(FC) -c -O2 $*.F
all: libjc.a libjpeg
$(PROGRAM): $(OBJS) $(LIBS) jpeg12/libjpeg.a
libjpeg:; cd jpeg12; configure CC='icc -xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512 -D_GNU_SOURCE '; make
# libjpeg:; cd jpeg12;configure CC='icc -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE'; make
libjc.a: $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
ar rv libjc.a $(OBJS)
c2j: libjc.a c2j.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
ifc -o c2j c2j.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
j2c: libjc.a j2c.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
ifc -o j2c j2c.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
greg2j: read_greg.o greg2j.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o greg2j greg2j.o read_greg.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
j2greg: write_greg.o j2greg.o
$(FC) $(FFLAGS) -o j2greg j2greg.o write_greg.o libjc.a jpeg12/libjpeg.a
read_greg.o: read_greg.F
$(FC) -c $(FFLAGS) read_greg.F
fchange: fchange.o fchange_cb.o fchange_main.o
$(CC) -o fchange fchange.o fchange_cb.o fchange_main.o -lforms -lXpm -lX11 -lm
clean:; rm -f $(OBJS) *.bak *~ libjc.a; cd jpeg12; make clean
depend:; mkmf -f $(MAKEFILE) PROGRAM=$(PROGRAM) DEST=$(DEST)
tar:; cd jpeg12; make clean
tar cvf jutils.tar Makefile *.c *.cpp *.h *.f *.F jpeg12 man converter/*.[c,h,f,F]
gzip -fv jutils.tar
install: $(PROGRAM)
install -s $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)
print:; $(PRINT) $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
program: $(PROGRAM)
tags: $(HDRS) $(SRCS); ctags $(HDRS) $(SRCS)
update: $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM)
@make -f $(MAKEFILE) DEST=$(DEST) install
Copy the newly built libraries:
$ cp libjc.a ../../lib/
$ cp jpeg12/libjpeg.a ../../lib/
Compiling PADDI
Go to source directory for PADDI:
$ cd ../../../main/src
Clean up the old build:
$ make totalclean
Modify Makefile
so that the first few lines will look as follows (the rest being the same as the original):
FC = mpiifort
F90 = $(FC)
F90FLAGS = -I../../stuff_needed/include -I${TACC_PNETCDF_INC} -I${TACC_FFTW3_INC} -cpp $(DEFS)
LD = $(FC)
ADDLIBS = -Wl,-rpath,${TACC_FFTW3_LIB} -L${TACC_FFTW3_LIB} -lfftw3f_mpi -lfftw3 -L${TACC_PNETCDF_LIB} -lpnetcdf -L../../stuff_needed/lib -ljc -ljpeg -lirc
Recompile PADDI
$ make
It succeeded without a hitch!
Running PADDI
Copy the executable (in this case, double_diff_double_3D
) and other requisite files to your $SCRATCH directory.
PADDI is a pure MPI code. So we can write a SLURM job script based upon the sample MPI job script in the Stampede2 User Guide:
#SBATCH -J DDtest # Job name
#SBATCH -o DDtest.o%j # Name of stdout output file
#SBATCH -e DDtest.e%j # Name of stderr error file
#SBATCH -p normal # Queue (partition) name
#SBATCH -N 4 # Total # of nodes
#SBATCH -n 256 # Total # of mpi tasks
#SBATCH -t 01:30:00 # Run time (hh:mm:ss)
#SBATCH --mail-type=all # Send email at begin and end of job
ibrun ./double_diff_double_3D <sample_parameter_file
Here we request 4 KNL nodes, and we run 64 MPI tasks per node (256 MPI tasks in total). There are 68 cores per node, so you should not run more than 68 MPI tasks per node. You might, however, want to run few tasks per node.
Use sbatch to submit your job.