1) Open inbound TCP port 2811 from and, which is used for GridFTP control channel traffic:
2) Open inbound TCP ports 50000 - 51000 from any, which are used for GridFTP data channel traffic:
We don't need to open ports for outbound traffics, because they are allowed by default. And we won't run MyProxy service, nor OAuth service, on pulpo-dtn.
3) Reload firewall rules:
4) Verify firewall rules:
Installing Globus Connect Server
0) EPEL repository and yum-plugin-priorities have already been installed.
1) Install the Globus Connect Server repository:
which adds 3 repos to /etc/yum.repos.d/:
2) Install Globus Connect Server
Creating a Globus Endpoint
We’ll create a Globus Endpoint ucsc#pulpo-dtn for pulpo-dtn, using authentication method CILogon. For our purpose, it is sufficient to run only the GridFTP service on pulpo-dtn. we won’t run MyProxy service, nor OAuth service, on pulpo-dtn.
1) Modify /etc/globus-connect-server.conf:
2) Run:
The above command has started the GridFTP service:
Interestingly, as of this writing, Globus still uses the old SysV init scripts (see /etc/rc.d/init.d/), rather than Systemd unit files!
We note in passing that globus-gridftp-sshftp (sshftp access to globus-gridftp-server) is disabled. We can easily enable it when we want to use sshftp.
Also note that we use relay.globusonline.org to generate key (hostkey.pem) and certificate (hostcert.pem), in the directory /var/lib/globus-connect-server/grid-security/, for pulpo-dtn:
We’ll map the X.509 distinguished names of CILogon certificates to local POSIX usernames in /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile. My UCSC username is shaw. As an example, I’ll describe how to set up the mapping for user shaw.
1) Find out my UID from UCSC Blue directory service:
2) Create a user shaw on pulpo-dtn with no shell access (/sbin/nologin):
Note we use the same UID from the Blue directory service, which may not be strictly necessary; but we must use the same username. The home directory is on the Ceph Filesystem, which is mounted at /mnt/pulpos/.
4) Map my CILogon certificate subject to user shaw, by appending the following line to /etc/grid-security/grid-mapfile:
5) Lastly, we perform some tests by transferring files from ESnet test DTN at LBL (Globus endpoint esnet#lbl-diskpt1) to pulpo-dtn (Globus endpoint ucsc#pulpo-dtn), using Globus Online. It works!