Environment Modules

September 8, 2017 | Linux CUDA Python HPC

We set up module on Hydra to facilitate management and usage of different versions of a single software, such as multiple Python distributions, on the same machine. Many supercomputing centers, including NERSC, use the module utility to manage software.


The module utility is available from CentOS base repo. So one can simply install it with:

# yum -y install environment-modules


So far we’ve installed 2 Python distributions, not counting the stock Python 2.7.5 that comes with CentOS7, on Hydra: Anaconda3 4.4.0 for Python 3.6 & Anaconda2 4.4.0 for Python 2.7.

Create a directory /etc/modulefiles/python to hold modulefiles for Python distributions:

# mkdir /etc/modulefiles/python

Create a modulefile /etc/modulefiles/python/anaconda3 for Anaconda Python 3.6:

## anaconda3 modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        puts stderr "\tAdds Anaconda Python 3 to your PATH environment variable\n"

module-whatis   "adds Anaconda Python 3 to your PATH environment variable"

prepend-path    PATH    /opt/anaconda3/bin
conflict        python

Create a modulefile /etc/modulefiles/python/anaconda2 for Anaconda Python 2.7:

## anaconda3 modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        puts stderr "\tAdds Anaconda Python 2 to your PATH environment variable\n"

module-whatis   "adds Anaconda Python 2 to your PATH environment variable"

prepend-path    PATH    /opt/anaconda2/bin
conflict        python

Create a file /etc/modulefiles/python/.version to make python\anaconda3 the default python module:

set ModulesVersion "anaconda3"

A few quick examples:

# which python

# module load python
# which python

# module load python/anaconda2
python/anaconda2(12):ERROR:150: Module 'python/anaconda2' conflicts with the currently loaded module(s) 'python/anaconda3'
python/anaconda2(12):ERROR:102: Tcl command execution failed: conflict  python

# module swap python python/anaconda2
# which python


So far we’ve only installed CUDA 8.0 on Hydra; but we’ll install new versions when they become available.

Create a directory /etc/modulefiles/cuda to hold modulefiles for CUDA:

# mkdir /etc/modulefiles/cuda

Create a modulefile /etc/modulefiles/cuda/8.0 for CUDA 8.0:

## cuda 8.0 modulefile
proc ModulesHelp { } {
        global version

        puts stderr "\tSets up environment for CUDA $version\n"

module-whatis   "sets up environment for CUDA 8.0"

# for Tcl script use only
set     version 8.0
set     root    /usr/local/cuda-${version}

setenv  CUDA_HOME       $root

append-path     PATH    $root/bin
append-path     MANPATH $root/doc/man

conflict cuda

Create a file /etc/modulefiles/cuda/.version to make cuda\8.0 the default cuda module:

set ModulesVersion "8.0"

Loading modules into your default environment

To automatically load the default python & cuda modules to your environment whenever you log in, append the following 2 lines to ~/.bashrc (assuming your shell is bash):

module load cuda
module load python